Chalice understands that community consultation will play a key role in all our planning and considerations for a potential future mine at the Gonneville Project. To help us better understand the concerns and priorities of the local community, Voconiq is undertaking the Local Voices community survey program.
The second survey in the Local Voices program – a shorter ‘pulse’ survey – is now complete. Thank you to everyone who participated. Voconiq have now analysed the results of the pulse survey.
In the Local Voices ‘Anchor’ survey last year results found that procedural fairness (transparent engagement) and the environment were key drivers of trust. These topics were focus areas in the recent pulse survey, to help Chalice gain a deeper understanding of the key community concerns in these areas.
The recent survey results show that the key environmental management priorities are:
Water quality and management, land rehabilitation, fauna and air quality.
The full results will be published by Voconiq in their Community Summary and online Dashboard. To see these full results and register for future surveys, visit www.voconiqlocalvoices.com/chalice/results