Chalice’s artificial cockatoo hollows project has seen plenty of activity over the last few months, with visits from a broad range of wildlife including Carnaby’s Black Cockatoos and Red-tailed Black Cockatoos. Even a possum stopped by to investigate the artificial hollows suspended in 10 trees on Chalice properties.

The artificial hollow project is a partnership supported by Chalice, bringing together leading environmental experts Syrinx Environmental and local citizen-science organisation Carnaby’s Crusaders, run by passionate wildlife carer Dean Arthurell. The project will monitor the use of artificial hollows over time to determine how effective they are as nesting locations for Carnaby’s, and monitoring the species’ habitat use throughout the broader Julimar region.

This work, and the extensive biodiversity and habitat surveys we undertake, will inform Chalice’s strategies to protect biodiversity across our project areas.
As we head into breeding season, we anticipate activity will increase and hopefully we will see our first pairs of Carnaby’s nesting in the artificial hollows. In the meantime, check out some of the great pictures we’ve captured on the cameras attached to each hollow.