Chalice recently commenced a project with Carnaby’s Crusaders to investigate the suitability
of artificial hollows for nesting by Carnaby’s Black Cockatoos. Carnaby’s Crusaders is a citizen-science led organisation run by passionate wildlife carer Dean Arthurell, working to create and install nesting hollows to support the conservation of Carnaby’s Black Cockatoos.

Chalice is supporting a partnership between Carnaby’s Crusaders and leading environmental experts at Syrinx Environmental, to monitor the use of nesting hollows over time. As part of our Gonneville Restoration Project, Dean and Syrinx have installed 10 hollows on Chalice farmland that will be regularly monitored. Dean and the team from Syrinx will also be investigating black cockatoo breeding behaviour and habitat use in the Julimar region. This initiative hopes to equip Carnaby’s Crusaders with scientific data to support the ongoing development and deployment of these hollows as an effective conservation tool. This work will also inform Chalice’s strategies to protect biodiversity across our project areas and contribute to scientific knowledge gaps related to the species.

Our environmental team was thrilled to meet their new neighbour earlier this week (see above right) – It’s great to see that the hollows are being used by the cockatoos so quickly after install.